When I look back on my childhood in Israel, and of what memories I had as a child back home, I always picture so many moments of myself playing outside for hours… We didn’t have cellphones then obviously, but we all knew when it was dark out we had to head back home. I also remember just sitting in the living room and playing for hours. I got to use my imagination and spend time with my family.
Now when I look at my kids (actually all the kids in this generation!) when they come home from school they just want the iPad ! How crazy & different it is now?! Finding something hands on that will entertain them and have them spend time together is really important to me.

After searching everywhere for toys similar to what I had growing up, I found the Rose & Rex back to school set. What I love is that these toys are made to increase their imagination, so I know when they're playing they are learning too. It was so fun to watch the kids enjoy it! A big plus is that the toys are small enough to fit in a backpack, which is perfect for traveling, or to just throw in my bag when we are taking the subway!
Yuli loves the prism blocks and I think he loves how they are magnetic! they're built to help improve spatial awareness which I love. Yuli literally sat there just playing with them for 30 minutes!

Since the boys are 3 years apart, I find it hard to find toys that entertain both of them. The blocks were a perfect solution for this! The boys love to play with these in the living room, and we all sit there in the afternoon. Ori thought the play dough was really fun to play with, not to mention, all-natural & infused with essential
I totally recommend renewing the kids toys from time to time, instead of just giving them the iPad when you need a little quiet time! The kids will be so thrilled when you pull out games they haven't seen in a while, but when in doubt, blocks are always a great solution.
I love those Saturday afternoons when we are spending family time and the kids are playing on the living room floor for hours!
Neshikot= Xx