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One of the best parts about having my own blog is being able to keep a pregnancy diary of sorts through this medium. I love that I'll be able to look back at these posts years from now and remember what my third pregnancy was like on a fairly consistent basis. Sharing these memories with each of you is so special for me and my family. So now, onto the inside scoop of it all…!

The beginning of my pregnancy was, in a single word, bad. I had the worst 4.5 months (filled with morning sickness and tiredness, and anything else first-trimester related that you can imagine!), but now I feel pretty amazing! All I crave is fruit, fruit, fruit. I'm actually dying to find lychees and even sent my husband on a wild goose chase (or lychee chase, I should say!) through Chinatown last week to find the fruit. He came back empty handed, so all I do now to make up for the lychee craving is stuff myself with all other fruits under the sun, salads, and smoothies. A lot of my mama friends craved carbs and chocolate during their pregnancy, and I expected to do the same this time around. But, nope, all fruits and greens all the time!

As I reach the 6 month mark, I finally have a baby bump! This little nuggets is moving around a lot - literally every day! This pregnancy is totally different from my others. With my oldest, Yuli, everything was super exciting and new since it was my first pregnancy and it was unplanned. With my second, Ori, everything was equally as exciting (but different, since it was our second child and the excitement really revolved around us giving a sibling to Yuli and expanding our family). With this pregnancy, it's almost surreal in the sense that we're expanding beyond what we had initially planned - going from 2-3 - and are not checking the sex of the baby until he or she arrives! Our family overseas are so excited for us, and are also so curious as to the sex of the baby. They can't wait to visit and meet the newest bundle of Dekel joy come August.

Although I can't eat sushi or drink wine until the baby arrives, I can thankfully still down my 2 cups of coffee per day. I wouldn't survive if I had to give that up! Maybe this accounts for why the little nugget is moving around so much in there ;). Haha, just kidding! But, really, which other mamas out there are addicted to coffee, like me?!

Right now, I'm filled with excitement, anticipation, and joy. We all are! Pregnancy is such a special time, especially when you have children to share in the experience with you. I can't wait for my belly to grow bigger, and the summer weather to arrive. Wearing flowing dresses every single day is basically the dream, isn't it!

I'll continue to keep you posted along the way! Sharing this process is even more special when I get to share it with all of you, too!

Neshikot= XX





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