So... are you ready for an update?

If you’ve been following along on Instagram or here on the blog, you know that we have been trying for a fourth child for what feels like a long time – a year and three months, to be exact. While this may not feel like a long time for all readers out there, for us it felt like forever. We love our Dekel crew of five, but Noam and I have been really hoping to add in another little one to the bunch. With our other three kids, we never had any issues getting pregnant and were very fortunate to conceive right away (sometimes, even without planning or explicitly trying). I found myself unprepared for the fertility journey this time around. It’s likely familiar to many of you, though, as it is a challenging and sensitive experience that I know so many other couples go through.

After nine months of trying naturally, Noam and I decided that it was time to see a fertility specialist. We even began thinking about the various common reproductive assistance options out there, such as IVF. As per protocol, we began testing my hormone levels each month. In doing so, we found that my FSH was creeping higher and higher above average. We were told that in order to get pregnant, FSH levels should be between 4-9; mine went all the way up to 23. Not good. (Plus, the specialist also informed us that even with IVF, my chances of conceiving would be a small 5%.)
A friend of mine suggested acupuncture. At first, I went in for appointments once a month. But, after not seeing a real progress, I shifted my acupuncture appointments to weekly. My acupuncturist , Moshe Heller, also recommended drinking herbs twice a day (I have no idea what was inside that he made especially for me) and changing my diet: less chocolate, fewer carbs, more sweet potatoes, beets, and even bone broth soup!
After a month and a half of diligence and monitoring, my FSH levels went down to 7.8! It felt like a miracle to us. Could we have removed the hormonal roadblock? I went back to see the fertility specialist, who was so impressed with these results, and got started on a cycle of Letrozole/Femara.
Shortly after beginning the cycle, the extraordinary happened. I got pregnant right away!!! (Thank you Dr Singer!) The excitement was (and still is) crazy!!! After 15 months of seeing negative pregnancy test after negative pregnancy test (also, you all don't know that a chemical pregnancy I had a year ago gave me hope for a few days until the reality set in that I hadn’t conceived..), we are so thrilled to share that we are expecting our fourth child. The kids are sooooo insanely happy (I actually had a lot of pressure coming from them for another sibling!) and can’t wait to welcome the newest member of our crew this winter.

I want to thank each and every one of you for following along on this fertility trip with me. Thank you for giving me a platform and allowing me the safe space to share openly with you about the most personal aspects of my life. While I know that I went into a lot of detail here that perhaps feels unnecessary to some, if my story can bring hope to any others in similar situations, then it’s worth it. If any of you want to reach out and talk, I am always here. I know what it’s like to wish and hope for something like this, and to truly believe you may never get it. I also give you the space to share openly with me.
We have yet to know the baby’s gender –I have the envelope on my kitchen counter lol, but we’re thinking of doing a gender reveal for the first time! Have any of you done a gender reveal before? Do you have any ideas of what kind we should do? It’s taking a lot of willpower not to just rip open the gender letter and check!
I am so excited for what the next few months will bring and can’t wait to share it with you all.
Thank you, again, for being along on this ride with me and my family.

photo Credit :ido-nyc
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