Pregnancy update: I'm at 30 weeks now!! I can't believe I have just 10 more weeks to go, give or take, before my baby arrives! Our Dekel crew is so excited about Baby #3's arrival, and Thank G-d, I'm feeling great.
I haven't really gained much weight this third time around - only 12 pounds so far, believe it or not! I chock it up to the fact that I was in Israel for the beginning months of my pregnancy and the Mediterranean food is so clean and healthy there. Plus, I'm craving fruits nonstop during this pregnancy, so that's definitely help lay the foundation for healthy eating and living. I'm not going to lie though- I've definitely had some stomach issues this pregnancy. More on that, later!
Our families back in Israel are getting just as excited about Baby's arrival and they've started to plan their post-birth summer visit. My parents and sister have been asking about the best date to come since they want to buy their tickets before prices get crazy. Apparently, August is one of the most expensive times to fly between Israel and America. Who knew? My Aba (father) even joked with Noam and me that if we plan to have more babies, we should think about having them "off season" - aka off peak flying season haha!
With my last two pregnancies, I went into labor five days post-due date. Funny how it worked out the same with both Yuli and Ori. Noam and I are wondering if Baby #3 will enter the world five days post-due date, too! If this one's a girl, maybe she will arrive early - isn't that what they say, that girls have no patience? ;)

We haven't figured out any of the logistical baby details yet - his/her arrival seems so close yet still so far. What room will Baby live in when it is old enough? The boys' room? We haven't even thought of any names, either. Do you have any suggestions for us?! There's still so much to think about - these two items are just the tip of our list!
Now, back to the aforementioned stomach issues. Although I feel lucky to be feeling good, and not have gained much weight, I've definitely had my share of belly issues this pregnancy. I've gotten food poisoning a few times, which gave me enough taste aversion to limit many of my cravings. And, although I have a small belly in comparison to some other mamas, I am starting to consider a belly belt since my back tends to hurt, especially if I lift my two year old - something I do often.
Thank you all so much for giving me an outlet with which to share this pregnancy journey. I love updating you all and can't wait to continue to do so these next few weeks! Best of all, I have all of this to show my Baby one day, too. We're in the final stretch, everyone :)
XX= Neshikot