All of a sudden we are family of 5. It feels like Romi was born yesterday and I can't believe it's been almost 2 months!
The boys love her and we are all pretty much adjusted (but not ready to a 4th baby yet lol). From my point of view today, I see a couple that has 1 kid as "singles”, a couple with 2 kids as "just got married", and a couple with 3 kids like us is finally "a real family"! Lol
We have so much to do, many crazy/ funny moments, and it takes hours to get prepared and leave the house, even if it's just for a short walk outside! But I found some tricks to make our life a bit easier, so we can have a moment to ourselves too:

1. Naps: Ori, my 2 year old, still naps once a day and Romi sleeps most of the day. Yuli, my 5 year old, naps sometimes on the weekends. I always plan it so they all nap at the same time. If Ori always naps 6 hours after he wakes up, I'll make sure that Romi will be done feeding and tired so she can sleep at the same time... If Yuli joins and sleeps with them too it's a true feeling of success, and you get 1.5 hours to recharge.
2. Going to the playground: since I don't have a double stroller, it’s challenging to leave the house by myself with 3 kids. When I leave the house I'll make sure that Romi is in the stroller and that I take the carrier with me as well, incase Ori gets tired (I'll put Romi in the carrier...!)
3. A very helpful kid: In most of the things I do I'm trying that Yuli will be involved so he has passion to help if I need it. And everytime I tell him "Yuli I need your help" he is so enthusiastic! So Yuli gets to be my little helper and will bring diapers and wipes or even go play with his brother in the other room if I need it!
4. Bath: the kids are so happy to bathe together and I'm happy too since it saves me time. While the boys bathe in the big tub, I'll bathe Romi in her baby bath. The kids also get to create fun memories and will always remember bath time with each other.
5. Cooking: I always love fresh meals, but I almost find that cooking a fresh meal every day takes so much of my time and makes it impossible for me to also work and take care of the house! Two things here; my husband is an insane cook! He will cook everything from simple food to gourmet food. So just find a guy who can cook! Lol. But as far as me cooking I'm trying to cook everything I want for the next 2 days, that way I spend less time everyday on cooking and have more time to work, take care of the baby, do house chores...etc. We don't have superpowers and I get it! Although eventually I find myself cooking everyday...
These are some small things that help me during the day and don't forget that's always the iPad and I phone if nothing helps lol! Joking:)
Hope you all have a wonderful Weekend and a great holiday season full of family time!
Neshikot= XX