I dedicated today's post to all of the courageous and beautiful women in the world who have the very important role of being a mother. Motherhood is undoubtedly the most rewarding and challenging job, and I feel truly lucky to be a part of a blogger community of mamas, near and far, who feel as invigorated, inspired, and excited about motherhood as I do. Speaking of mamas nearby…I am super excited to share that I had a DIY picnic lunch with my favorite mama blogger and Instagram sensation, Bethany Ciotola, (check out her blog) who has two gorgeous(!) little boys, Kai and Rowan, and lives right here in NYC. We brought on our babies and met up in Central Park. It’s finally beautiful weather outside (I don’t mind me some hot hot hot days, though, as you know!) and the kids were able to play together while we mamas chatted it up. In fact, it was baby Romi’s first time in Central Park, and her first kiss with Kai:-), and my first time in a while. It was a nice little day-scape all around.

Back to the community of mamas…I have had the opportunity to connect with so many incredible mothers these last two years since I started my blog. Some work outside of the home, some don’t. Some have multiple children, some only one. Some live right here in New York and others live around the world in Finland! Each new connection is an exciting one to explore, and yet another way for me to learn about motherhood and continue to better myself as a mom – something that I think is important to do each and every day. Children are constantly evolving and mothers respond with their own evolving as a result. We are constantly growing along with our children!

Beyond connecting and learning, I am so grateful for the friendships that have grown out of the blogger and Instagram communities. Some may not understand the true power of social media, but I’ve been lucky to find many amazing friends through this motherhood journey – a journey that I’ve shared with others through our blogs and posts. Social media has provided a way for connecting, and once the connection is initiated, often a true friendship is founded on similar experiences, respect, and a desire to meet more women who feel the same way about motherhood. Further, I often find myself introducing mama friends to each other and being introduced to other mama friends through friends that already exist in the community. Motherhood provides an immediate bonding experience and many of us in the blogger community consistently take advantage of this powerful connection as we take on the biggest challenge of all- raising healthy, happy, competent children.

I’d love to connect with any mamas out there that I have not connected with yet! Send me an email, comment, add me on Instagram and let’s get the conversation going. We can all learn so much from each other, and I’d love to learn from you each and every day!
Neshikot= xx
P.S. Check out some favorite summer pieces here.