Hey beautiful mamas! Some of you may have seen my haircut Instagram story recently – shoutout to my most favorite Israeli stylist in the City - during which I got a much-needed trim and retouch of highlights. And, you also may have noticed that pre-hair day I was desperately in need of some… sprucing up, shall we say! I’ve been getting a ton of questions lately from fellow mamas and followers, asking about my hair routine, hence the social media story detailing my hair travels of the day.

Coming off of my haircut, and heading into the start of cold weather season (can you believe it's almost NYE?!), I decided to sit down and organize some thoughts for you all about the typical ‘hair routine in the life of Dikla.’
First things first, I cut my hair approximately every four months. I know many women take haircut appointments religiously, but I’ve learned that life/kids/work/moving on short notice/family coming in from out of the country type-things often don’t allow for a hair appointment as perfectly timed as I’d always like. However, I usually try not to go more than six months without a cut, seeing as the ends begin to fray (or split, as my hair stylist explained is the proper term!) and my color starts to fade in the gnarliest of ways. On the flip side, I also don’t shy away from more frequent cuts, if the mane seems like it needs it, as it very well did post-Burning Man this summer. I take hair care in stride and try to listen to what my body is telling me – a good lesson for all self-care situations, really!

Next, let’s chat for a second about DIY treatments at home. Note to all: you don’t have to spend copious amounts of money at a fancy salon to do some good for your hair. I do take hair care seriously and will absolutely spend money on the right treatments, cuts, and colors. But, I’ve learned that there is so much I can do at home, at a really inexpensive cost (in both time and money). I put hair masks on every other week, and sometimes more often, if my scalp is feeling extra dry as the weather drops. I also love a good spritz of Argan oil on my ends post-shower to soften them up and keep any split-ends healthy between washes. Trader Joe’s sells the most divine little bottle of the stuff, at a very good cost! Heat protection has also become a go-to product of mine, since it pre-empts any burning that causes my strands harm. I always find that it’s especially easy to remember to use heat protectant just after a cut, as to prevent the fresh hair from getting dry again. It’s a bit harder to stay on track the farther I am from my last hair appointment, but I really do try seeing as heating tools – our next topic of discussion- should always work in tandem with hair protection.
Now, to the fun part: styling your locks. You’re all going to laugh, but I’m still using the same curling wand that I bought 12 years ago. And, it still works as if it’s brand new! I’ve also added additional irons to my collection, such as the Amika 1.5”, because different wands of varying thicknesses allow for a multitude of styling options – and I like my options! My Chi flatiron is also perfect for when I’m seeking out a sleeker, more mature look. It’s ceramic-plated, which undoubtedly makes for safer grooming.

Let’s not forget accessorizing…! I LOVE hats. You’ve all known this for a while (and my Instagram attests to it!). Cowboy hats, fedoras, bowlers, beanies- you name it, I wear it. As soon as fall hits, I break out all of the hats and rock them all season long. In fact, we’re a family that shares hats! I even share with the kids . Sometimes, even in the spring, I’ll still be wearing my little beanie! In cooler temps, hats protect our scalps and strands from drying out (and, the old wive’s tale is that they also protect us from getting sick, since as a large percentage of our body warmth escapes through the top of our head!). And, in the summer sun, hats protect from sunburn and fading of highlights. Hats are a win-win in my book, as they are both fashionable and serve a purpose.
I hope these tips serve as a jumping off point for you to begin your journey of haircare for a glorious mane. Find what tips and tricks work for you, and go with it! Never be afraid to modify your routine or try something new. There are so many products and DIY tips out there (head nod to Pinterest!), and the world of haircare is, very much so, your oyster.
Let me know what products you’re loving these days, and how you find time to maintain beautiful hair! I can’t wait to hear from you,