Get to know me better - The Girl Behind GirlPlusTwo

Hey guys!
I’ve been blogging now for quite some time, but would love to give you all a chance to get to know me a little better. One of my favorite things when meeting new people is to ask them about random or fun facts about their lives. Social media is such an amazing way to connect with interesting women of all different walks of life and from all over the world and I’ve been trying to make an effort to get to know people outside of the phone screens and filters. Sharing my life through the blog and Instagram has been a wild ride, and it’s important to me to be my most authentic self. Motherhood is not all rainbows and unicorns, and making this blog as real as possible is a huge priority for me. I’d love you guys to get to know me better, so I thought it would be fun to share my five most random facts.
I’m sure you all know by now that I am a mother to my three amazing children, the wife of my childhood sweetheart and a fashion addict with a serious passion for travel. But here are some things you may not know:
1. I used to be a platinum blonde! And I have pictures to prove it. For eleven years I dyed my hair, but I’m much happier with my hair today. It was quite a bold fashion statement for me.
2. I used to be a rockstar. Well, sort of. In high school I was the lead singer of a band for three years. I still remember the songs we sang! Maybe a reunion tour is in the cards for me one day :)
3. My name has a double meaning. My first name Dikla in Hebrew comes from the word “Dekel” - Noam’s last name and also the word palm tree. So my name literally translates to palm tree palm tree. It’s no wonder I love the tropics, and why I chose to keep my maiden name Goren!
4. My babies are always overdue. I was 40+5 with my pregnancies with Yuli and Ori and 40+2 with Romi. We named my belly “Brooklyn” during my first pregnancy since it felt like its own borough on my body!
5. I am addicted to brushing my teeth. This may sound weird, but for someone who dealt with braces in her life I was so excited by my smooth, straight teeth when I finally got them off. Today I brush them three or four times a day. Teeth is also one of the first things I notice in men, so when I was dating I would only go after the ones with pearly whites :) Luckily Noam has a great set of teeth!

I just started using the Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean toothbrush to give my teeth the star treatment. In the spirit of my five random facts, here are my five favorite things about the ProtectiveClean brush:
● I love how gentle and powerful the brush is, and the stain removal power is key for a coffee drinker like me. As I said before, I am obsessed with brushing my teeth and keeping those things looking sparkly and white.
● The sonic technology creates these nice microbubbles along your teeth and gum line and leaves your mouth feeling super clean - I absolutely love it. It’s like a mini mouth massage and makes even the small task of brushing my teeth feel luxurious.

● The brush has a built in pressure sensor that makes a pulsing sound if you’re pressing too hard on your gums. It’s like having a mini dentist in your bathroom!
● The brush will remind you when it’s time to replace the brush head - and with so many things on my to-do list for both my mommy duties and work life this is something that I easily forget.

● And the brush will make sure you’re brushing for the right amount of time with its built-in timer. Great for when the kids barge in the bathroom during my morning routine, or if I’m brushing while preparing the kids’ lunches! Multitasking at its finest!

Check out the brush here and I’d love to learn more about you all so feel free to share your favorite random facts in the comments!